segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2016

The wind felt cool as it hit my face. I could only see a few meters ahead - till where the headlights managed to decode the endless expanse of darkness. Not another human soul could be seen anywhere around. The highway seemed endless and my destination unreachable. The roar of my bike and the gush of wind was starting to take me into a trance.

Engrossed in my thoughts, I was late to notice a sharp turning just ahead. For the first time in hours, I could see a faint light. A vehicle was approaching the curve from the other side. The turn was too close and I knew I didn’t have enough time to brake. The driver of the SUV must’ve slammed on the brakes at the very last moment as it skidded and whizzed past me. The sound was deafening. I came to halt a few meters ahead. The SUV wasn’t so lucky. It had crashed into the road side barrier and tipped off into the cliff. There would be no survivors.. I  was sure of that.

Just last month, I was involved in an accident with the very same SUV, with not the tiniest of mistake from my side. Hailing from a rich and powerful family, he had easily wriggled out of legal complications. The entire incident was covered up so well that the only evidence left of it was a small newspaper article. “Deadly crash of motorbike and SUV. Biker killed on the spot”. I had to do something about it, right?

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