terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2016

am going to tell you about a few years ago, I live in Greenwood, Indiana.My very first experience was when I was eight years old. A few weeks after my grandpa passed away, I was home from school sick. My dad and stepmom went to the gas station to grab a pack of cigarettes. Since I was sick, all I wanted to do was lay on the couch and sleep. As soon as I heard the door shut, I turned and faced the back of the couch so I could take a nap. About two minutes went by and suddenly I felt someone shaking me to wake me up. When I turned around to see who was shaking me, there was nobody there. I ran to the window to see if my dad's car was still outside, but it was gone.Another unexplained phenomenon I experienced was when I was about 14. Every Christmas Eve when I was little, my sisters and I would sleep together in the same room or close to each other so we could wake each other up early in the morning. That night, it was about 8 or 9 pm, we decided to go lay down in bed and watch TV. After watching TV for about an hour, I sat up in bed and turned off the TV. As soon as the TV was turned off, we BOTH clearly heard a SCARY voice say, "STOP IT." After that happened, I don't know how or why, but suddenly tears starting flowing from my face (but I wasn't crying.) Every single hair on my body also stood up. My sister just stared at me with big eyes and said "please tell me you heard that." THAT was the THE scariest thing that ever happened to me. It was like someone controlled my emotions and made me cry (but, I didn't feel like I was crying).A few months ago now, my wife and I were sitting on our patio outside while it was still warm outside. Where I sit outside, I am able to see down the hallway. Out of the corner of my eye, I felt like I saw a woman in the corner of the hallway. She was older, with her hair in a bun on top of 
her head. As soon as I turned to get a better

look, she was gone. I will NEVER forget that.Last night actually, my wife and I had an experience. (My wife never had any paranormal activity in her life until I came around.) I almost wonder if I am being followed by ghosts. It has happened to me since I was eight years old, in EVERY house or apartment I have lived at. Anyways, my wife and I have a dog named Fergie. She is ALWAYS staring at things we cannot see or growling/barking in the hallway in the middle of the night. Last year, we had her fixed and ever since then, she always makes a very loud whining noise when we touch her belly or try to pick her up.Last night, me, my wife and our dog were sitting in the living room and out of nowhere, Fergie made that loud whine noise like someone was trying to pick her up. However, my wife and I were on the other couch.I have SO many more experiences, but those are a few that I will NEVER forget in my life. Why is the paranormal attached to me?

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