One night, I was walking up the stairs to go to my great grandmother’s flat. My uncle died there years before right outside. I saw him in the hospital slowly dying as a baby. I still remember him telling me to be a good girl and to stay away from the voices he
was hearing. I was only child then of course but I’ve bee thinking about until this night.
Anyways, I walked halfway up until her chair used for going up and down the stairs started going down at me. I called out to her thinking she was sitting on the remote again. “Nana! Where’s the remote,” I asked. She told me it was in the drawer at the top of the steps.
Indeed it was there but no buttons were pressed. I started hearing my uncle’s voice. He was telling me to not look back. “Run up the stairs, baby, don’t look back!” Naturally I wanted to look back so I did. I’ll never forget what I saw. There was a pale white creature and it said, “Run all you want but I’ll get you soon enough!” I never saw it again, but every now and then I’ll hear someone tell me to hide and don’t peek out…