segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2016


​​​​​​Adventure for the people of Hordaland meant Folgefonna park. Located on a peninsula in the mist of a mountain range, the park encompassed a pristine Lake with crystal clear water  carved out by glaciers aeon ago. 

The primaeval forest; a mesh of  pine trees,sugar maples and great oaks had kept the lake isolated for years and made it difficult to reach. The waters were so perfectly still that on a very clear night, a facsimile of the whole celestial firmament is casted on its surface which makes for a natural telescope.

You see, Folgefoona is huge,about a quarter million hectares of wilderness and  spans five municipalities: Jondal , Kvinnherad, Etne ,Odda , and Ullensvang .

 One could go days without meeting a single soul,but the park was patrolled regularly which made it safe ,and quite popular with families - camping,boating,hunting and hiking - until "Som Kull" .

Kendra matt was18,brunette, long face and fearless with a reckless nature. She was adventurous and determined to trundle untasted paths.

 On that fateful night Matt had camped all night with her friends on the fringes of Lake Lonnie. After her friends had gotten to bed, she got up ,grabbed a pack of crunchy and her diary, and snucked out before dawn to catch some alone time, and maybe complete her journal entries.

She walked for a while before settling down at the edge of the pier on the  banks of the Lake. She sat down put her feets into the water and then made whirls with her legs as she filled up the entries into her journal.

Wanting more solitude,she  took the row boat out into the deep parts, rumored to be about 800 feets deep but she wasn't afraid;she was never afraid. 

​​Matt switched off her flash light,hurled the wraps of the crunchy into the lake, and then laid on the bench of the boat facing upwards.

The sky was exceptional beautiful that night or morning ;stars shimmering ,and 
the aurora borealis bathed the atmosphere with color,sliddering back and forth like a beautiful green serpent.

She felt blissful.

She had barely shut her eyes when....... *kon kon kon*

She heard what seem like a knock coming from underneath the boat. She assumed the boat had  somehow drifted ,and ran aground so she looked over the side to see if it was a seal or walruse but saw nothing.

Matt convinced herself she was assuming things,and was about to return to her former endeavor when the knocks came again; this time heavier. 


The boat shook violently almost knocking her into the water. Now she knew it was real and frantically tried to row back to shore.

After rowing violently for what seems like an hour she stop as she realized the boat hasn't moved as if  held down by some invisible force .

She angrily used  both oars to poke the waters around, but something or someone tugged at them from under the water, taking both oars underneath.

For the first time Matt was afraid she closed eyes ,and prayed her ordeal was a nightmare. She used her both arms to steady the boat as the lake became calm again.

The mist thickened around an object rising from the water, Then she saw it,then a flash of light.  Matt was never heard from again only the boat was found with the inscription "skitne" .

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