terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2016

This is the most recent paranormal event to happen to me personally. About a year ago I was talking to a than very good friend about the paranormal. We were both extremely interested and went on sleepovers would constantly watch horror movies, 'real' videos on youtube and read real life accounts. One night she brought out six large candles and suggested we try to summon something up, just to prove to everyone else who didn't believe that it was real. I was a bit dubious at first, but after her continuous pestering agreed. So we set up the candles in a pentacle shape and sat around them holding hands. Anyway nothing really happened, and I went home quite disappointed.
A few weeks later, we'd both forgotten about and continued on with our lives, having got bored of the paranormal. About three months later I went through quite a bad case of depression, and began to shut myself off from the world. All my other friends noticed but didn't know how to help or what to do. The friend that I'd done the summoning thing with seemed to be going through a hard time as well, so it brought us together even closer. Which was definitely not a good thing.
One night I was awoken by a loud growl. At first I thought it to be the dog so went to check on him, only to find him fast asleep in his kennel. Being as stupid as I was back then, I shrugged it off and went back to sleep.
A few nights later I awoke to a little girl standing at the foot of my bed. And no, she didn't look like the 'grudge' or whatever. She was wearing more modern clothes and had wavy blondish hair. I sat up and stared at her for a good 5 minutes before she finally disappeared. Being the way I was back then, I was delighted. Finally someone was trying to contact me. They needed my help!
I'll skip ahead a bit now, but the 'girl' continued to visit me every night, and I didn't tell anyone because I believed her to be my special secret. I was extremely happy with her being there until I awoke one night to the feeling of a hand around my mouth. It was sort of hot and, knowing at that point that this 'girl' wasn't as kind as I first thought, made me see things another way.
I told my mum and dad and my mum blessed my room and for a few weeks after that everything was calm and I was beginning to come out of depression. I went for another sleep over at my friend's house and that's when things started up again. During the sleepover we were sitting on her couch watching The Lion King when we heard a door slam. Thinking it was her older brother, she told him off for being so noisy, but there was no reply so we shrugged it off. A few minutes later we heard a loud smash coming from her room so we rushed in to see what had happened, only to find a photo of me and her smashed up against the wall opposite to the one it was up against. We both looked at each other in confusion and went to find her brother thinking that he'd done it, though now we realize he wouldn't have had enough time to smash it and get back into his room without us seeing him. She barged into his room shouting, only to find he wasn't there.
After a moment we figured out that it wasn't possible for him to do it. She thought it was great, and began to tell me how excited she was that this had happened. At this point I was pretty freaked out and wondering what was going on. That night was a pretty bad one, our sheets were being ripped off and we could hear a thump coming from the wall behind us. The whole time during this she was laughing. I had, at this point, realized that what ever attacked me before was back.
I happily went home the next day, but the moment I entered my room I knew something was wrong. The energy just felt off, and it was icy cold in the middle of summer. (I live in Australia so that's a big thing.) I ignored it a couple of days hoping that it was just my imagination and would subside, but the presence was just getting stronger, a dark thick sort of energy filled my room. It was so bad that my dad began to notice something was off. It was about this time that I discovered I could actually sense where the being was (standing in the corner closest to my bed).
I became depressed again, except this time I was angry and lashed out at people, or sometimes myself. According to my parents I ended up spending about 70% of my time in my room, just sitting there and not doing anything, though I don't think it was that much.
After a few nights of being woken my a whisper by my ear (couldn't understand what was being said), I decided I needed real help. I begged my mum to contact someone to do something so she contacted my uncle who is a pastor.
The night before he came was the most active night I have ever experienced. My glasses went missing, and everyone swore they hadn't touched them so I ignored it. Then, when I had just lay down in bed, I saw a large shadow pass by the far wall and literally 1 minute later a large weight pushed down on me and pinned me down for a couple of seconds.
After my uncle had blessed the house, I felt so much lighter as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. As we walked through the house with him to check that the presence was actually gone, we found my glasses in the bath. The bath had been used after my glasses went missing. It was that point that we knew it was all over.

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