domingo, 7 de fevereiro de 2016

Emails From The Grave

Channel 4
Channel 4
Jack Froese died of a heart arrhythmia in June 2011 at the age of 32. Tragic, but nothing unusual about the story… yet. In November the same year, Jack’s friends each received an email from his account, signed with his name. His friends and family are adamant no one knew his passwords or could have hacked his account.
How then, did the messages contain such personal information, that only Jack himself could have possibly known? One email implored his friend to “clean his f***ing attic”, which related to a private conversation the two had had shortly before his death. An email to his cousin read “I knew you were gonna break your ankle”; an injury that had occurred just a week before the email arrived. Probably a sick hacker, but Jack’s relatives and friends said they still have no explanation for the messages, and have given up hope trying to find one. Spooky.

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