It all started a little after I turned twelve. My cousin, sister and I had a fascination with using the Ouija Board. We had been using the board for a short while, and every time we used it, the experience was a positive one.
One night, some family friends came over. I was telling my friend about how I used our Ouija board and how we were communicating with spirits and psychics. She was skeptical about it so I was on a mission to prove what me, my sister and cousin had seen. We went to my bedroom and proceeded to do a seance. We made contact with a spirit on first attempt and it was an angry one. It kept spelling out vulgar remarks and repeating that it was going to kill us.
We were both getting really creeped out so she went and got her cousin, who after a few minutes of panicked rambling, brought him into my room. We still had contact with the same entity as though we'd never stopped using the board. It kept repeating that it was going to kill us, and that we needed to leave the room. So "Mr. Gangsta" cousin started to argue with the spirit and antagonize it. He eventually got frustrated with the situation and we all left the room.
That night I remember ranting on about a ghost in my room to my mother, and she reassured me that it was an over active imagination.
A couple of months later we started experiencing poltergeist activity in the house. Doors opening and closing on their own, lights turning on in the middle of the night, particularly the one in the dinning room. This light switch is a turn style knob, so it takes a little more effort to turn it on, rather than just flipping the switch. The kitchen was a hotspot for activity. The cupboards and drawers would open on their own. Cups would fall out of the cabinets and break on the floor on the middle of the night on a frequent basis.
And of course, there is my bedroom. Every night I could hear a deep, heavy breathing, like a man slowly panting next to my bed. It would start quiet, get louder and louder and then stop completely. I would have to sleep buried under all of my blankets and pillows just to get to sleep. I would wake almost every morning with claw like scratches on my body. Objects in the house would be re-positioned, or moved from its original spot to a different room. We never saw this happen, but it was always confusing to walk into a room and think, how the hell did this get here?
We also were seeing shadows. It would walk down the hallway past the bedrooms, and through the kitchen. You'd catch it from the corner of your eye, or feel a cold gust pass by. On many occasions I would be sitting on the couch in the living room doing my homework and I would feel finger tips brush across my hand as I wrote. This would follow with the walls creaking, starting from one end of the house all the way to the opposite side.And theres was this time when I was just watching tv trying to ignore the constant sounf of creaking walls and the ocasional felling of felling of being touch hoping it whould stop if I ignore it Im thrown like 10 feet from the couch , I got realy creeped out when it happen that I even scream for help and my cousin and sister came to see what had happen , when I told then what happen my cousing said to get the Ouija Board ask the entity to leave but it kept saying no every time but we kept trying. And for a moment we noticed it wasnt responding so my cousing picks up Ouija Board and a ligther burning the board . And since then i`ve never had anything like that happening to me but i will never forget this experince it will stay with me forever.
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