segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016

My dad died of cancer the day I turned 16 after about two weeks in a coma. It was really fast – less than two months between diagnosis and death. He died in the house. (we had a hospice attendant and my mom was very good about seeing to him in those final days).
Anyway, a lot of weird shit happened after he passed, but the one that still freaks me out when I think about it happened about 12 hours before he took to bed for the last time. He was in our living room napping on the couch while my mom was in the kitchen cooking. No one else was home.
Suddenly, he jerked awake and was shouting for my mom in a very loud, agitated voice. Clearly angry with her. “Beverly! Don’t do that! Don’t EVER do that again!”
She ran into the room, alarmed and asked what he was talking about, and he said, “Don’t do that. Don’t walk past me like that in that long, black wig.”
Sometimes I think he saw death.
After living in my house alone for 8 years, I came to the realization that I had closed a lot more doors than I had opened.
I was about 15 minutes from finishing the night shift at work when there was a massive crash on one of the windows in the office so I get up and go to check it out. Someone has thrown quite a sizable rock through one of the windows on the front of the building. This is made especially weird because I’m working in the industrial district at 11:30 at night with none of the other businesses open. I go back to my desk, put a quick call through to security to let them know and decide to head home. As I’m leaving the building I’m freaking myself out about it more and more and end up running to my car, getting in and taking off. I’m almost home and I’ve started to calm down a bit when I realise that I didn’t unlock my car when I got in. It had been unlocked the whole time. I do a quick check with my hand in the backseat for any possible murderers that might be hanging around there but there’s nothing there.
Fast forward 30 minutes: I’ve called a friend of mine who says he is out drinking so I decide I’m going to join him. I jump on my bicycle and start riding over. I’m doodling along the road on my bike, it’s a nice night and I’m in no big rush, just enjoying the moonlight when I hear someone riding behind me. I straighten up and stick to one side of the road. He passes me really slowly and, when he is right beside me, he shoots me a smile I can describe as purely fucking insane. I kind of flinch and am taken aback as he rides on. That’s when I realise. He is riding my mom’s bike.
Needless to say, I sprint the fuck home. When I get there, sure enough her bike is missing and one of my car’s doors is open. The back left one. I was driving, and had no need to open that door.

sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2016

I was packing my things when my room mate Diana went in. We are studying on different school but we are room mates for 3 years. She was jolly and nice. But that afternoon she looked sad. I asked her what was wrong with her but she assured me she's ok. She's just tired so I didn't bother her. She lies on her bed and close her eyes. When I finished doing my things I bid her goodbye. She rose, hugged me and told me to take care. I smiled at her and told her to give me a call if she needs someone to talk to.
I am going home for the weekends, as my daily routine for 3 years. I was thinking of Diana on my way home. As I reached home I decided to call her but I cannot reach her. I started to get worried. I told my mom about it and she told me maybe she was sleeping and her phone got low bat. I dismiss the thoughts that are coming in my mind, I am not feeling good on whatever is happening on her. Around 9: 15 pm after our dinner I received a call from her. I told her I was worried about her and it's a good thing she called.
"Stop worrying cat, I'm ok. I just want to tell, you you're so nice and I'll miss you."
"What are talking about? I will be back on Sunday afternoon, you never miss me during weekends!" This sounded weird now and my hands got cold! "Are you not going home?" I asked her.
"No. Look Cat I need to go now, goodnight. Just send my regards to your mom"
"Ok, I'll just tell her. Bye" she cut the line and my heart was still pounding fast. I told my mom Diana is ok, she just called me and she sends you her regards. After few minutes my cell phone rang, it was our land lady. She was crying and freaking out. I cannot understand what she is saying. I told her to calm down and tell me what happened.
She told me that at around 8:45 pm they heard a noise from our room, so she decided to come. She knocked and called Diana because she knows I already left that afternoon, but there are no response, so she opened the door. She almost got a heart attack when she saw Diana hanging on the ceiling! She then called other borders and asked for help but when they got Diana down, she was no longer breathing. They tried to revive her while the ambulance was on its way but she was dead already!
I was speechless! She just called me few minutes ago! It can't be! The hair on my nape rose! My bloods run cold! I don't know what to say.
"Catherine, are you still there?" Our land lady asked me.
"Yes. Where is she now?"
"We already called her parents, they are on their way to pick-up her body."
Her body, I can't believe it.
We ended the call and I told my mother what happened. She also cannot believe what happened.
The following day we went to Diana's place for the funeral. I still can't believe everything happened just like that. I told her mom our last talk, she cried and told me she also received a call from Diana but that was before she did it.
Until now, I cannot believe what happened. I am just praying that wherever she is, she's just ok. Liked what she told me.
About 7 years ago, this event took place in my house. My grandmother was really sick, she was in bed with oxygen to help her breathing. She was very devoted to God, great woman and always put family first.
I was ending my senior year and I was very close with my grandmother. I suggested to my mother that we could put a mattress on the floor next to my nanny's bed so I could take care of her if she needed something through the night.
One night I was in the living room watching some TV before bed, time was 22:30. My mom said goodnight and went to her bedroom. About ten to 15 minutes later I was getting tired so I turned off the TV and then the light of the living room. The only light on was from my nanny's room with the door opened a crack across living room. As soon as I took about 4 steps, I saw someone ducking in the middle of the room. "My mom is playing tricks on me", I thought. But as I took more steps it didn't look human. It was darker than the dark, on fours and features of a human body, except it was thin almost like bone appearance. I saw its profile of face, because it started to look towards the crack of light from nanny's room. It was long and bone features with some spikes on its head. I froze and stayed looking at this thing and didn't took my eyes off of it. In a matter of seconds it started to move towards me on all fours very fast, and right through my legs and vanished on the furniture behind me. I ran to the room, and didn't tell anyone.
A week later about 22:10, went to nanny's room, closed the door quiet behind me because she was sleeping. I started writing on my journal and I heard a "click", very distinctively. Didn't pay that much attention, after all house is quiet and you can hear noises. I started to see my nanny sleep, and I noticed that she looked uncomfortable, like she was having a nightmare. So, softly, I get close to her and move her arm gently to wake her up. "Nanny, Nanny, wake up", repeatedly. She opened her eyes, very disturbed and screamed, "Lock the door! Lock the door now!" No hesitation, I got up and immediately turn the lock and turn knob to check if it was locked and realized I was opening door. That "click" I heard minutes ago locked the door. I asked nanny what happened... "This dark creature was sucking the air out of my mouth." I cried, and was speechless, grabbed bible and read to her Psalm 99. This still haunts me and makes me think if that thing made my nanny more sick. She passed away 2 weeks later.
                      THE HELLHOUND               

It has taken me quite a while to work up the resolve to type this story. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jedidiah. I am 28 and I live in American Canyon, CA.
This story is not a ghost story, at least I don't think it is, but it is an account of my first brush with the paranormal. I am a firm believer in the paranormal, I always have been, and one day my belief was fortified. That day was when I saw, what I believe to be a hellhound.
This occurrence took place 3 days after my 25th birthday (about middle of summer). It was a brisk night in my home town of American Canyon. While walking home from the local market I hear this deafening howl. Then I catch a glimpse of what I thought was a large dog. I assumed it was just one of the many stray dogs in my neighborhood, but as I continued, I saw the same large dog. This time I got a better look at it. I was unnerved because of the dog's size and appearance. It was about the size of a small bear. The build of the dog was like that of a Rottweiler, with fur that was the darkest black I've ever seen, like it was made of pure shadows, with piercing, glowing, red eyes; eyes that seemed to peer into my soul. The dog's torso was tangled in what looked like barbed wire. After I saw it, the dog then darted away with incredible speed.
At this point I was quite scared. I continued on my way home and I found myself dreading each corner, fearing another sighting of this hellish creature. I had almost made it home when the beast appeared again. This time it stood directly in my path. I was frozen with fear, hair standing up on end and I close my eyes fearing an attack. It starts to growl, a deep, rumbling, growl; one that I felt deep in my soul, one that threatens to turn my legs to Jell-O. I don't know what compelled me to do so but, I started praying, to the Lord and Jesus Christ in Heaven, to make this beast leave, but the growling intensified, it seemed as if the growl just pulsated through my mind doing everything in its power to get me to stop praying. I continued to pray, I just prayed, and prayed, and prayed. As I continued to pray, the growl slowly dissipated. When I finally opened my eyes, all that was left was scorch marks where the dog stood.
I was terrified and shaking as I rushed home and locked the door, but when I turn around I am greeted by a pitch black dog, but this one I am sure means me no harm. It is my black Labrador, Mia.
After the night I had, I just wanted nothing more than to relax and think about what happened, so I turn on the TV for some background noise and when it starts up I see a show on Animal Planet called lost tapes. The episode was about hellhounds, and what they were describing sounded eerily similar to what I encountered.
To this day I have yet to see the same dog, or another like it. So this begs the question... What did I see? A hellhound, a spectral creature, some sort of demon? I never will know; but then again I'm not sure I want to.
I have a few other unrelated experiences with the paranormal that I may post at a later date. I'm trying to decide whether or not I'm ready to relive those experiences by writing them down yet.

quinta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2016

I posted about my experience with an entity when I used to work at a rehab center. There I had many encounters and vivid experiences, bad and good ones. This one actually happened in my final days there, and it was physical. Since I'm a medium I got to experience one of the worst experiences of my life, being possessed by an entity.
It was one of those regular calm days at the center. The girls were behaving very well and everything was extremely peaceful, until we received the news that 30 new girls were to come transferred from another center on that same night. All the chaperons and supervisors (including me) had to run and get things set to receive the new inmates. When they arrived we divided them into the houses and 10 of them stayed at the house I used to watch over. Not to my surprise these girls were rebellious, yelled a lot and did not want to be there, but there was nothing they could do.
After 5 p.m we closed the doors and everybody was at the living room watching TV. I started to feel an agonizing sensation, and constantly heard a voice inside my head saying "pray, pray..." I felt there was something wrong, and a very negative feeling started to come over me. I couldn't get rid of this feeling even though I continued to do my regular tasks in the house. One of my colleagues stayed for the night to help with the extra girls and close to midnight we checked if all the girls were asleep and started to get set for the night.
I remembered I started feeling extremely sad suddenly, and felt the urge to cry in despair. I have the habit of praying every night and every time I started praying this sadness would take over me and I would have to stop. I then took my bible, which I kept by the bed and tried to read it, but for some reason I couldn't understand the words, so I had to stop and start over only to realize that I still didn't understand a word. So I look at my colleague and said "there is something wrong with me" and lied down on the bed.
Suddenly I felt like something was pushing me against the bed, and the agonizing feeling just got worse with the time. By then I realized I was having a spiritual struggle, and I knew something was trying to possess me and I was running out of strength. I tried to get up but whatever was there was pushing me down against the bed, then the top part of my body was being lifted and I was being shaken with a strength I can not describe. I couldn't speak, couldn't scream, I tried to move my body but I couldn't. I was trapped inside myself making rough movements up and down. I remember the only thing I could say to my colleague, who watched me in terror was "go call Moisés". Moisés is the night manager, and a very religious man. So at that time he was the only reference I had. After my colleague left I blacked out.
The next events were told my colleague because I don't have any memory of what happened:
I was laying on the bed, shaking my body up and down violently when Moises came in the room and started talking to me, or whatever was inside of me. He said "you have to leave her body!, you are not allowed to be inside of her, she is not ready to work" And I said "I will leave when I want to" Moises asked "who are you?" I said "nobody you know of". So I got up from the bed and started walking, my body roughly shaking as I walked, and as I was walking I shouted "I don't want to be here! This is not my place! I don't belong here! I belong in the streets!" So I went up the stairs and Moises caught me and sat me down on the chair. According to my colleague, he was throwing water on my head and making the cross sign on my forehead. He asked "why do you want to leave this place?" I the entity inside of me answered "because I belong in the streets, there I can drink, smoke and pitch, there I can lay with the men, there I can do what I please". After that he started saying the Lord's prayer over and over, and my colleague joined him as well. I started to regain conscience little by little, to find myself sitting on a chair. I didn't know how I ended up there, but I could see that I had been possessed by an entity of the streets, that did want to be there and felt I had an open field, so It tried to communicate with the others through me.
I couldn't sleep at all until dawn and I felt like I had been beat up or something. I was definitely the most terrifying experience for me. Because I was physically harmed, I was violated, I was possessed.